How to Identify the Pins of 2N3055 Transistor
This video shows how to identify the pins 2n3055 transistor by two ways: 1.By using the datasheet of the transistor. 2.By using the multimeter & the datasheet. Although the datasheet provides the correct information to identify the pins of this transistor majority of the people find it very difficult to extract this information directly from the data sheet as identifying the pins from the transistor depends upon the physical dimensions of the transistor. Although the transistor layout looks symmetrical it is not ,so measuring or judging by the eye is difficult as the difference is only a few millimeters. In this video with the aid of a multimeter we determine the pins of this transistor very precisely. The datasheet clearly states that the metal casing of the transistor is the collector so the problem is actually determining the base and the emitter of the transistor. For the process we start by putting the multimeter to the diode mode and then connecting the ...